What Our Clients Are Saying:
Not only has this given me access to a huge selection of much-needed suppliers able to accomidate my needs as an ebay reseller and retail dropshipper, but has even moreso streamlined my profitablity by connecting me with suppliers well versed in the dropshipping business. Without this, I would never be able to see the success that I have achieved to this date, and will continue to see in the future in even greater amount.
Micah W. - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CanadaThis program has eliminated the time that I would have spent researching reputable dropship companies. Because of your support, both on the phone and through emails, my questions have been answered very quickly and allowed me to begin to grow my own business faster than I ever would have thought possible! Thanks again for showing interest in "me" and showing me the ropes of how to have succees in an online business!
Brian W. - Pittsburgh, PA
"Really great to have signed up with The Sourcing Team. The staff is helpful and sound genuinely concerned when there's a problem. The staff takes my problem as theirs." - S. Batcheler, Christchurch, New Zealand
Become an eBay Seller
eBay is currently the world's largest auction and shopping website online, where millions of products are sold daily. Here at The Sourcing Team, we provide you with the tools and experience needed to help you effectively sell on eBay and take a cut of the millions of dollars being earned in profit there.
We give you access to our eBay Sales Reports on a weekly basis, which list products that are currently selling on eBay for a profit. These reports are constantly researched, updated, and prepared for you. The products we list here come directly from suppliers that are listed in our directory, and a link is included under each one that takes you directly to the supplier's website so you can easily access them. Not only will you know what the wholesale price of the item is through the supplier, but you will also know what it sells for on eBay and how profitable it is.
Here are some examples of products that you may find on an eBay Sales Report: